Saturday, June 28, 2008

My first full weekend here

Hello Friends!

I've officially got cable and internet! It feels good to be connected again. But the few days without it got me thinking. It was only 15 years ago that the internet was this luxury. Now I can hardly live without it! Oh how times have changed.

On Thursday I took a walk from my apartment to the beach. It is 2.7 miles there (and that means 2.7 miles back!) The summers are pretty foggy because of the temperature differences I guess. So it hasn't been sunny california in the mornings like I was expecting. But it clears up in the afternoons.

Today is the annual "Woodies on the Warf". People bring their old wood paneled station wagons and their surfboards. I'm going to head out that way and take a few pictures. The summer season has begun and they've got little events like that every weekend.

Also on my schedule for the weekend is to find some furniture. There are a few thrift stores and a sizeable flea market not more than 5 minutes away. I'm going to look there for some different pieces of furniture to put in my apartment. Yesterday I did get a table for my TV so it is not on the floor anymore. But I have to eat on the floor (my table is a cardboard box).

So I'm off! Keep in touch!
loves - e*ricks

Monday, June 23, 2008

"No trip to Hollywood"

... as my dad has said to me over and over again. My response... "I know, it is a trip to Santa Cruz!"

Life out in California is pretty "nard" as the kids say. I'm not kidding, in SoCal it is now "nard" not "nardly". Ah from the mouths of babes.

Another thing, I am officially a boss. I don't feel old, but I am old. At least a year older than anyone I work with. Something I will need to adjust to.

Yesterday was the first day that I saw rain in CA. It was really awesome to see the lightening over the ocean and then see the clouds come to the shore. Then I scooted to the car in order to not get drenched! But until then it has been sunny, warm and not humid! Perfecto!!

This week I am moving into my apartment, my studio with a half wall (so a "one bedroom"). And it is why "no trip to Hollywood" is the title of this post. I am starting from scratch with this apartment and I figured I'd share it on the world wide web.

The day you move in you will need:
  • Toilet Paper
  • Clorox wipes
  • Shower curtain (or liner if you prefer)
  • bottle of wine (and a glass, or bowl, or paper cup... or just the bottle)
  • corkscrew (aka. church key, wine opener, life-blood)

It is nice to have a bed or sofa or a few pillows. I am excited to inflate my Aero Bed.

Finally, I have some ideas for decorating and what not, but I'll post those ideas, and how-to's, when I've done it and can put up the pictures too.

for now... e*ricks ~ out