Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What happened to the business card?

Over the last week I have had the pleasure of striking up conversations with loyal patrons of the coffee shop I work at. One young professional made the off-hand comment that Facebook is the new business card.

I was astonished! Maybe I am just old fashioned but I love my Rolodex. I've actually got it on my night stand. Over the last year and a half that I have had it one of my favorite things to do is add people's business cards.

But, something about his comment made sense. Generation Y people are switching jobs every year or two and even when we don't have jobs, or if the card is out of date, we still need to share all our information with people. But I don't want to give out my Facebook information in lieu of a business card.

My solution - the calling card 21st century style.

This 19th century staple is the ancestor of the voicemail and the e-vite. It was used to schedule visits, send personal regards and to say "hey, i stopped by". They were left in silver trays while the "master" of the house was out (aka the Rolodex) and carried around town when you were out (just like the business card).

What I suggest... stop by Office Depot or Office Max and pick up a box of DIY business cards. You simply open up Microsoft word and go to the help tab then you type in the template number on the box.

Then you get to be creative - I suggest your name, e-mail and cell phone (things that are unlikely to change) then print off a page or two and pop them out.

Finally carry them around town and always (ALWAYS) have a pen with you (ladies... your purse is a pretty obvious spot, boys... jacket pockets?). Then as you meet people, new and old, you can share your info and add anything else to the back of the card (address, how/where you met, who you know in common) and encourage this person to keep in touch.

Having everything electronically is nice, but what happens when you spill on your lap-top or your phone breaks and you have lost all your contacts (or if it was stolen). Having a back-up on paper is always a good idea!

Let me know how it goes... and give me your card next time I see ya!
Cheers :o)

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